Monday, June 13, 2011


2 days ago, I took a home pregnancy test and guess what! Yep, I'm knocked up! Daniel and I are over the moon and I'd like to think Atticus (the cat) is too! He spent an hour snuggling on my belly- which, if you know anything about Atticus, is very rare for him. This will be our first child, so the whole thing is quite new.

I went to the midwife today and confirmed my pregnancy. I also signed up for my first appointment (July 15) and toured the birthing center. It's amazing! It's so homey and has that feel of a bed and breakfast... but it's sterile and they are medically trained! I will keep you posted on the whole thing!

In other news, Daniel and I are making an offer on our first home today. I hope everything works out because we really love this home and I really want to start decorating a baby room! Below is an image of the house we are offering on.

Cute, huh?
The house has all wood floors, a 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms, a completely redone kitchen and 2 redone bathrooms. It's super cute inside and the only thing it needs is a new outside paint color (just to spice it up), and some landscaping! Of course, if we get this house, we will be making it baby ready and I will definately keep you posted on the progress.

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