So I'm getting ready for school to start up again!
I feel:
*sad for summer to be nearly over

Part of my end-of-the-summer ritual is buying new fall staples. This
year, I get to buy pregnancy pants! This did not sound fun to me when I thought about it. I imagined myself in giant muumuus and just looking and feeling miserable.
After one day of shopping, let me tell you, I am totally sold on pregnancy pants! The pants I tried on are so flattering on my body, I found myself wondering where they had been all my life! I even found khaki's (which I generally hate). And boy, are they comfortable! This year I am looking forward to being one of the most stylish people at my school!
I plan to buy:
*The perfect khaki pants I found
*Lots of colorful tunics
*Black capri's
*Black pants
*Lots of prints
Generally I am a black shirt, black pants kind of girl. Pregnant Cathy is going to be as colorful as a rainbow!